Mandi Saville joined the Christman | Daniell Attorneys team in January 2020. She has thoroughly enjoyed working as Drew’s executive assistant and watching the team grow into the powerhouse it is today.
After completing her Media Arts degree at the University of North Texas in 2018, she worked part-time at Serve Denton, a non-profit center in Denton, TX. At the end of 2019, she connected with Drew Christman, who served on the Executive Board of Directors for Serve Denton, and she’s been working with him ever since!
Strike up a conversation with Mandi about film and tv and she’ll surely drop what she’s doing and spend an hour talking about her favorite scenes or favorite actors. Fun facts: She grew up as an Air Force brat, she’s a 9 on the enneagram, she rarely loses when bowling with friends or playing ping-pong, and she has had one of her photos published in a photography magazine!
Insider tip: If you need to get ahold of Drew Christman, contact Mandi! Email: