If you’re planning to relocate, you might need the help of Denton child custody lawyers to convince the court to agree to your request. A lot of factors will need to be considered, and they can get really complicated, really quickly. The child custody lawyers in Denton TX with Christman | Daniell Attorneys will be ready to help in any way we can and answer any questions you may have. Here are just a few of the matters the court will take into account when determining matters of relocation.
The Impact on the Child’s Relationships
Any kind of move can deeply affect a child, whether it’s across town or across the country. Any child custody lawyers you choose should ensure you know the court will take the impact of a move very seriously. It will look at the closeness of the child’s relationship with not only any family members they may be leaving but friends as well.
Special Needs Accommodations
Child custody lawyers in Texas should also advise you that if your child has special needs, they will need to be taken care of before any relocation will be approved. But special needs don’t always have to mean a physical or mental challenge. Suppose, for example, the child is a supremely talented violinist. The court may not grant a relocation unless it can be shown there is a well-regarded music school in the new city.
The Relationship with the Non-Custodial Parent
As all child custody lawyers in Denton TX will tell you, the court will always prioritize the best interests of the child above everything else. If there is a chance that the move will negatively impact the non-custodial parent’s relationship to have a meaningful relationship with that child, that could make the court more likely to deny the relocation request.
Talk to the Denton child custody lawyers with Christman | Daniell Attorneys for more information. You can give us a call at 972.445.9907, or you can use our online contact form.