As difficult as your divorce has been on you, it is likely even more difficult, stressful, and overwhelming for your children. Everything they know is changing, and it is easy for them to believe they’re somehow at fault for what’s happening to Mom and Dad. As a result, they experience a range of emotions that they barely understand or know how to process appropriately — confusion, sadness, anger, and loneliness being just a few of them. They may also question what happens next as they continue to be stuck in the middle:
Where will I live? Who will I live with? Will I go to the same school with my friends? Will Mom and Dad still love me?
The good news is that children are often resilient. Yours, in particular, can bounce back from these dark days — provided that you and your former spouse have a thoughtful co-parenting plan and do everything possible to listen to them, talk through their concerns, and be just as much a positive part of your children’s lives as you were before the divorce. It’s equally as important to recognize that despite your best efforts, your children may continue to struggle to cope with your divorce for a certain period of time.
This is perfectly normal, but as parents, you should recognize the warning signs and address their needs as quickly as possible.
13 Signs Your Children are Struggling to Cope with Your Divorce
- Inconsolable crying for no apparent reason
- Newfound inability to deal with smaller life problems
- Separation anxiety
- Withdrawing in social settings
- Declining school performance
- Spending more time in their room alone
- Excessive worrying
- Losing interest in activities that used to bring them joy
- Increased aggression and becoming oppositional
- Frequent emotional outbursts
- Not taking care of themselves (weight gain, weight loss, poor hygiene)
- Not sleeping
- Regressive behavior
Please call Christman | Daniell Attorneys for your legal needs today!
Are you looking for family law services in Texas? Christman | Daniell is your premier choice. With years of experience and a deep understanding of the legal landscape, our skilled team is dedicated to helping families navigate complex legal matters. Whether it’s divorce, child custody, or adoption, trust Christman | Daniell to provide compassionate and effective representation for all your family law needs.
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